Deck Heroes Wiki

"The gods will be with you."

Missionary is a 2-star Creature of the Human faction, acquired plentiful from Coin Bags in the Altar. Her skill-set puts her in the role of support, although Consecrate increases her physical DMG output against Mortii.  She is the lowest card to have access to the Bless skill, but by the time you may find yourself needing Hero Healing, you will certainly have access to better cards than Missionary.

Generally, Missionary will be used as Enhancement Fodder since she has very little utility on the battlefield.

X-bad It is not recommended that you level this creature up.

Acquiring Missionary[]

Missionary is found regularly in Mazes and Coin Bags. She can also be an unfortunate draw from the Lucky Spin.


Power Chart[]

Level 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
ATK 112 124 136 148 160 172 184 196 208 220 232
HP 462 494 526 558 590 622 654 686 718 750 782

Strategies and Tactics[]

Requires additional information.

Creature Skills[]

Bless 3 (Level 0 skill) - Restores Hero's Health equal to 0,6% of Max Health plus 150. Capped at 1 000 Health.

Consrecrate 4 (Level 5 skill) - Increases ATK by 60% against Mortii.

Humanity 3 (Level 10 skill) - Increases the ATK of your other Human Creatures by 75.
